You obviously know nothing about sororities, especially Black ones. There are more active members in graduate chapters than there are on college campuses. They generally meet at least monthly, not counting special events. They have ongoing social programs and fundraisers. They have local, district, regional, and national meetings, with the national convention rotating cities usually every two years. The "Boule" in question offered partnership opportunities for businesses at the following levels.
Partnership Opportunities *
Torch Partner ($5,000)
Sapphire Partner ($25,000)
Gold Partner ($50,000)
Diamond Partner ($100,000)
Platinum Partner (250,000)
You couldn't honestly sound more stupid when trying to tell me what sororities do, I was married to an AKA for twenty years. The Zeta's are one of the smallest graduate groups with about 125,000 members. AKA's have avbout 360,000 members in 12 countries, the Delta's have about 350,000. All of them are service organizations. She wasn't speaking to a few little girls on campus for summer school but to a convention hall of grown-ass women. Please stop talking.