"Who are the terrorists here? "
It isn't a zero sum game where one has to be totally for one side and against the other. I can and do recognize the heinous acts committed by Hamas and can appreciate the constant threat faced by Israeli citizens and to a different degree Jewish people across the world.
That doesn't mean I must be blind to the persecution of Palestenians in Gaza and the West Bank. Certainly all Israeli's arent terrorists but just like a percentage of Palestenians are, there are terrorists by any definition within the leadership of Israel including Netanyahu whose actions are as much based on maintaining a tenuous grip on power than having a long term security plan for the State of Israel.
The history is lengthy and your assumption that you know what I know based on what I wrote in a 1,,000 word story is a projection. There might be some areas of agreement between us but it seems that I must either be with or against you with no room in the middle.
To answer one of your questions, some Black people did want to kill all-white people including Denmark Vesey and to a degree Nat Turner (who spared some households of "good people" during their brief revolt). Black people have experienced rape as a means to grow the economy, yet to an amazing degree have sought a peaceful solution and co-existence, something I can't find in your writing.