When I clicked on the article, I was thinking I’ve often asked a similar question which may sound the same which is, “where are you from?” What I considered an innocent question is still an attempt to classify and therefore judge. Then I think, isn’t that the nature of all questions? What do you do? Where did you go to school? What do you like to do?
My experience with most people of color is that there is some mixing of races and that isn’t a question that comes to the forefront. Yet I might see features that add to the uniqueness of the individual before me which makes me wonder. If I did ask the equivalent of, What are you?” (I hope I’d phrase it more delicately). It wouldn’t be to deny a part of you but to enhance my knowledge.
That way of thinking is still mostly about me, without consideration about you the person being asked feels about it. Thank you for giving me something to consider. Take care.