The white authors on my bookshelf range widely from politics to science fiction, drama and mystery, I first started reading all the books about the Watergate Era which included John Dean, several former Nixon officials, and the book made into a movie, All The President’s Men by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. My science fiction books included everything by Anne Rice, and Michael Crighton. I read all the Sherlock Holmes books, the entire Perry Mason series, I made it to about “W” of the Sue Grafton books, everything by Robert Ludlum, most everything by Tom Clancy, and the Patricia Cornwell series about a female pathologist. I’ve read a ton of cop/detective books including most of James Patterson’s books. I’ve read a book by former FBI director Louis Freeh. Still reading a Civil War non-fiction book by James Ridgeway, Jr. That’s off the top of my head.