Member-only story
Thank You To Medium Readers And Commenters
I write a lot of stories on Medium, enough so that it’s hard to keep up with the notifications and responses. I read almost all the comments and try to acknowledge everyone with at least a like; I reply to many of them.
Everyone doesn’t agree with my opinions, and I’ve learned from some with a different perspectives. I get my grammar and typo’s corrected, which I appreciate; I’m my own worst editor because I know what I intended to say. I get compliments and sometimes trashed; it comes with the territory. Generally speaking, the Medium audience is respectful, even when they disagree. I have people I think of as friends though we haven’t met, and thus far have never felt the need to block anyone.
I’ve come to appreciate Medium members even more after dipping my toe into the NewsBreak waters. Other sites I write or comment on have their share of haters and trolls; I’m hoping America is more like Medium than NewsBreak, though they do have 45 million readers, which is scary. In fairness, many of them I’ve encountered are friendly, including some that disagree without being disagreeable.
After three days on NewsBreak, I’ve been called more names and had my intelligence questioned than in over ten years of writing on the Internet. I’d read one shouldn’t read the comments over there which I do find to be true.
I don’t see myself leaving Medium any time soon, though I will look for ways to grow my income outside of Medium. One of the reasons I stay is because of the family I’ve established here. I thank you all and look forward to continuing our interaction. Take care!