Thank you, John on the correction of the year for Brown v. Board, I also missed a number of things that didn't turn out as intended, there were so many after all.
If you want to turn this into a Democratic vs Republican issue, feel free to write your own story. I have no illusions about the past of the Democratic Party (and their recent history). Neither have I missed all the things Republicans have done and continue to do.
Republicans and Democrats have often joined forces when it met their needs. It's how we got the Compromise of 1877, Posse Comitatus in 1878, Red Shirts and White Leagues. We also have the evangelical chuirch including Southern Bapiists who made many other things possible.
I do compare the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Boogaloo Bois, Patriot Front and others to the KKK. They are presently more powerful than the Klan remnants still around. Sure Byrd was a Democrat, that doesn't dismiss Klan rallies outside DeSantis events and the support they currently have from Republicans. Maybe you have never heard of David Duke as Trump once claimed.
Go ahead and write the story you like. Have a good day.