Molli, you really have to get out more or find news sources outside of your bubble. The jobless rate is low, following a trend Trump inherited, but it’s also true a high percentage of people are working two or three jobs trying to survive. The coal mines that were coming back… didn’t. The wall Mexico was going to pay for, can only be built if Trump robs the military of base middle-schools, daycare, and more. Consumers are just beginning so see increased prices due to Trump’s trade war, farmers are going bankrupt. The only real winners are the rich and Russia.
Do you see anything at all wrong with the military propping up his Scottish golf course and our soldiers staying there to keep it alive (along with propping up the nearby airport which was near closure)? Trump is a grifter, along with being a serial sexual abuser and he’s been accused of rape three times. Once by a then thirteen-year-old, another by an ex-wife. Plus he’s stupid! Doing his best to cause a recession. But if nothing else, he’s got supporters like you. What did you get?