If Racism Occurs In A Forest And You Don't Hear It, Does It Make A Sound?

When America Was Great, According To John

William Spivey


Photo by Luca Pizzarotti on Unsplash

I published a story at Medium in December 2022 called, "If You're Still MAGA, You're Everything They Say You Are, Why Not Just Make America Great?" The point was that the "Again" in MAGA submits there was once a better time to go back to. My Medium piece got 3.4K views and 39 responses; I provide that information as a basis for comparison.

I started writing on NewsBreak, where you submit articles, and after getting 100 followers and publishing ten stories, they'll consider you for monetization. I reprinted the MAGA story there, and they went berserk. I have, after three days, 68K views and 3,333 comments. The comments are about 75% unfavorable, and some are pretty vicious, but I let it bounce off. I dismissed the man who said, "before 1865." The question almost nobody would give a straight answer to was, "what year did you consider America great?" I did get a thoughtful reply from John, who expressed the view that prompted this story. If racism isn't happening to you, did it really happen? For many, the answer is no.

I’m not a republican or a card carrying MAGA supporter, but as to the question about when America was great, I would have to say between the 1920s and 1950s. when citizens supported our…

