I can't equate conservative with moral? When has that ever been true. I can (and often do) make the case that the rligious group most closely tied to conservative, the white evangelicals, have placed their wants over morality throughout history. They were the pre-60's Democrats that invented Jim Crow and who post 60's ran to the Republican Party because they were angry about Civil Rights (a trend that began much earlier when Truman integrated the armed forces. The same people propped up arguably the most immoral President in history though we can give Kennedy, Clinton, and Nixon honarable mentions. Present day conservatives have demonstrated that morality comes a fre second to power. Mitch McConnel had filled the federal courts (and Supreme Court) with judges that have few qualifications except bowing to the conservatives . As for somtimes looking at things through a racial lens, your disappoing suggests you rarely have to which is what we all aspire to.