Here are some truisms that can help you understand:
1. Nothing is racist is it affects someone of color. It's been redefined out of existence.
2. Everything is racist if it's a criticism of white people with an implication they should do something different.
3. Any people can be guilty of racist views and actions.
4. Only white people can be guilty of systemic racism. You have to have power to enforce it which only white people have. For example, two New Black Panthers standing outside a polling precinct that is 99% Black aren't guilty of systemic racism.
5. All "free stuff" received by Black people is actually received by far more white people than Black. When white people get free stuff it's privilege.
6. If voter suppression is enforced to exclude Black people and you know that's the intent even though the goal is partisan. The racism comes from not giving a damn about the people excluded because you don't value them.
Hope this helps!