Hello, Robert. Thanks for your reply. Please keep in mind that a significant portion of systemic racism is rooted in policy and not law but here's my answer to your question:
1. Eliminate the 18:1 sentencing disparity between possession of crack cocaine vs powdered cocaine. Although Congress did adjust the discrepancy which used to be 100:1, there was no need not to go all the way. This disparity is part of the cause of mass incarceration and children growing up without fathers/mothers.
2. Outlaw voter suppression. The Supreme Court has constantly backed redistricting that reduces voting strength as long as the reason given was merely partisan and not racial. They have disregarded the racial impact claiming it to be an improper measure. In 2013, SCOTUS eliminated the enforcement provision of the 1968 Voter Rights Act and multiple states went right to work, some the same day, to begin suppressing minority votes.
3. Ensure fair and equitable public education systems, particularly public education. There are several Southern public schools that are for all practical purposes still segregated. The move to move funding from public schools to charter schools will amount in some cases to re-segregating schools.
4. Eliminate, Stop & Frisk, and Broken Windows Policing, which only take place in minority communities.
5. Stop sending military weapons to police forces in urban areas. Weapons of mass destruction will ultimately destroy and we can be assured they'll never be aimed at the suburbs.