Hello Mike, there are Bernie supporters and then “Bernie or Bust” people. My story about the latter was not intended to include the former which I believe includes yourself. You have good reason to believe the system isn’t fair and favors the establishment candidate. That system tried to shove away Barack Obama in 2008 but he found a way to win anyway. The system worked against Bernie in 2016 and went into overdrive to keep him from winning in 2020.
That said, Bernie supporters represent maybe 35–40 % of Democrats? In a crowded field, his base propelled him to early success. When everyone cleared the way for Biden which is pretty much what happened. His supporters weren’t enough. It was a conspiracy, the same people got Kamala Harris out of the race although they may now embrace her as VP? Too soon to tell. I personally had about three choices ahead of Biden, none of them will be the nominee. I live in a swing state where my vote might actually matter. I have four likely choices, Trump, Biden, a throwaway third-party candidate, or stay home. I won’t stay at home.
My question is what are the Bernie or Bust people going to do. We know now for certain what bust looks like. The Corvid-19 pandemic couldn’t possibly be more mishandled than it is, thousands will die needlessly. We almost went to war with Iran, our best allies are dictators, we put children in cages and separated them from their families, some never to be reunited. Last time you sucked it up and voted for Hillary. There are a great many Bernie supporters who are right now working harder against Biden than Trump. “Where’s Joe,” was trending on Twitter today, while Trump is lying about a deadly disease.
I’m not saying you don’t have a right to be angry, politics has never been fair and it isn’t now. You and they have a choice. Will it be bust? Can we survive four more years? Thank you for your thoughts.