Thank you for your response. My biggest concern about the banks wreaking Havok has nothing to do with revealing the truth about Thomas Jefferson, rather Steve Mnuchen, Wilbur Ross, and Jared Kushner, controlling the distribution of $2 Trillion dollars.
I’m also concerned about the constant literal whitewashing of American history which continues on a regular basis in the Wall Street Journal, National Review, and Texas schoolbooks (distributed through a wide segment of the country).
I hate to disappoint but I’m not through with Jefferson yet. I’m working on a piece to discuss the deliberate omission by historians of his harsh treatment of slaves at Monticello where his legacy currently proclaims he was lenient. I will focus on the constant whipping of young boys in his nail factory. There is evidence Jefferson didn’t necessarily enjoy the whippings, so there’s that, but he condoned them all the same, business is business after all.
Telling this history doesn’t diminish the good things he did do, and there were many. It allows us to assess him in light of his whole history instead of only the good and the lies.